The Western Hemlock Bonsai Tree, scientific name Tsuga heterophylla ‘Thorsen’s Weeping’, is a graceful evergreen conifer with needle-like leaves and furrowed bark. Very compact.
It is a hardy tree that needs to be kept outdoors so it can be exposed to cold temperatures during winter months.
Additional Information
Family: Pinaceae
Scientific name: Tsuga heterophylla ‘Thorsen’s Weeping’
Common Names: Western Hemlock, Alaska Pine, Weeping Hemlock.
Origin: Native to the west coast of North America, with its northwestern limit on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and its southeastern limit in northern Sonoma County, California.
Appearance: It is a dense evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves and attractive cinnamon-color furrowed bark. Leaves are emerald green, strongly flattened in cross-section. The crown is readily distinguished by the pendulous branchlet tips.
Flowering: It produces small pendulous cylindrical cones that turn from green to gray-brown.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: It is a hardy tree that needs to be grown outdoors.
Light Requirements: It prefers full sun but can also tolerate partial shade.
Water Requirements: It likes acidic, cool, moist to wet soils with good drainage.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 7-10.
Insects and Diseases: Annosus root disease, hemlock rust, hemlock woolly adelgid, hemlock dwarf mistletoe, bracket fungi.
Propagation: By seeds and cuttings.