Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai Tree Care

The Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai Tree, scientific name Nandina domestica, is grown for its beautiful pink foliage that turns green. It also produces large star-shaped white flowers that are followed by clusters of red berries. This drought-tolerant evergreen is very easy …

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Orange Jasmine Bonsai Tree Care

Orange Jasmine Bonsai Tree, scientific name Murraya paniculata, produces beautiful white flowers that release a wonderful sweet smell attracting bees and birds. Easy to grow and maintain. Great for indoors. Additional Information Family: Rutaceae Scientific Name: Murraya paniculata syn. Murraya …

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Dawn Redwood Bonsai Tree Care

Dawn Redwood Bonsai Tree, scientific name Metasequoia glyptostroboides, is a very cold hardy tree that can tolerate freezing temperatures down to -20F. Thought to be extinct, but re-discovered in the 1940s. Dawn Redwood is often confused with bald cypress. It …

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Turk’s Cap Bonsai Tree Care

Turk’s Cap Bonsai Tree, scientific name Malvaviscus arboreus, produces very beautiful red flowers that attract a lot of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The flowers are similar to Hibiscus however they never fully open. Great for indoors. Additional Information Family: Malvaceae …

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Barbados Cherry Bonsai Tree Care

Barbados Cherry Bonsai Tree, scientific name Malpighia Pendiculata, is a delightful tropical ornamental plant that produces beautiful pink flowers that grow in clusters. Flowers are followed by red edible berries. It is great for bonsai because of its small leaves …

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Chinese Fringe Flower Bonsai Tree Care

Chinese Fringe Flower Bonsai Tree, scientific name Loropetalum chinensis, is native to Japan and southeastern Asia including southern China.  It produces beautiful showy bright pink flowers. Easy to grow, cold hardy tree that can be grown indoors or outdoors. Additional …

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Japanese Honeysuckle Bonsai Tree Care

Japanese Honeysuckle Bonsai Tree, scientific name Lonicera japonica, is native to eastern Asia including China, Japan, and Korea. One interesting characteristic of this tree is that it is deciduous when grown in cold climates and evergreen in warm areas. It …

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Glossy Privet Bonsai Tree Care

The Glossy Privet Bonsai Tree, scientific name Ligustrum lucidum, is native to native to China, Korea, and Japan. Additional Information Family: Oleaceae (olive Family) Scientific name : Ligustrum lucidum Common Names: Glossy Privet, Wax-Leaf Privet, Wax-Leaf Ligustrum, Tree Privet. Origin: …

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