Flamingo Lily Bonsai Tree Care

The Flamingo Lily Bonsai Tree, scientific name Anthurium andraeanum, is native to Colombia and Ecuador. It has gorgeous rosy-pink flowers that are supported by slender upright stems. This is a tropical plant that was specially hybridized for use as houseplants …

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Chinese Taro Bonsai Tree Care

The Chinese Taro Bonsai Tree, scientific name Alocasia cucullata, is native to China and Taiwan. The main characteristic of this bonsai is it’s hear-shaped glossy leaves, hence the common name Taro Bonsai. It also has a very interesting thick robust …

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Chinese Perfume Bonsai Tree Care

The Chinese Perfume Bonsai Tree, scientific name Aglaia odorata, is native to China where it is classified as near threatened. This is a beautiful bushy tree that has similar characteristics to Orange Jasmine Tree. It produces yellow fragrant flowers that …

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Desert Rose Bonsai Tree Care

The Desert Rose Bonsai Tree, scientific name Adenium obesum, is native to Eastern Africa and southern Arabia. It is a shrubby evergreen that survives in desert to deciduous climates, hence the tree name Desert Rose. The unique character of the …

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Sweet Acacia Bonsai Tree Care

The Sweet Acacia Bonsai Tree, scientific name Acacia farnesiana or Vachellia farnesiana, has been found in tropical and semi-tropical climates all over the world, including North America, South America, Africa, Northern Australia, and Southern Asia. This fast growing thorny bonsai …

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Calamondin Orange Bonsai Tree Care

The Calamondin Orange Bonsai Tree, scientific name Citrus mitis, is native to southern China and is one of the most popular fruited bonsai trees. It produces brilliantly fragrant white flowers that are followed by miniature, flavorful oranges over the course …

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Brush Cherry Bonsai Tree Care

The Brush Cherry Bonsai Tree, scientific name Eugenia myrtifolia or Syzygium paniculatum, is native to tropical rain forests of Australia’s east coast. It produces very pretty, showy white flowers that are followed by beautiful red berries. Additional Information Family: Myrtaceae …

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Fukien Tea Bonsai Tree Care

The Fukien Tea Bonsai Tree, scientific name Carmona microphylla or Ehretia microphylla, is native to Southern China and other parts of Southeast Asia. It is a tropical tree which was once referred to as Carmona. It can be grown outdoors …

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