The Common Pear Bonsai Tree, scientific name Pyrus communis, is a deciduous tree that is loved by gardeners all over the world for its tasty fruits, and pears.
It also produces small white fragrant flowers that attract bees and birds. This very hardy tree needs to be grown outdoors.
Additional Information
Family: Rosaceae
Scientific name: Pyrus communis
Common Names: Common Pear, European Pear.
Origin: Native to central and eastern Europe and southwest Asia.
Appearance: It is a deciduous tree with gray-brown to reddish-brown bark that has hollow furrows and flat-topped scaly ridges. Leaves are simple, ovate with a finely serrated margin, bright green above and dull below.
Flowering: In early spring it produces showy white fragrant flowers that grow in clusters and attract bees, butterflies, and birds. Flowers are followed by large edible tasty pear-shaped fruits. Fruits are green turning yellow or brown depending on the variety.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Outdoors.
Light Requirements: Full sun for maximum blooms and fruit development.
Water Requirements: Moist well-drained soil.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 4a – 8b. It is a very hardy tree that can tolerate cold weather down to – 25F.
Insects and Diseases: Pear psylla and spider mites.
Propagation: By seeds, rootstocks, cuttings, and grafting.