The Neea Bonsai Tree, scientific name Neea buxifolia, is a stiff, twiggy shrub with bright pink flowers which are followed by small fruits.
It has smooth gray bark and very dense foliage. This tropical tree is problem-free and is perfect for indoors. When growing indoors, don’t forget to provide it with a lot of sunlight.
Additional Information
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Scientific name: Neea buxifolia
Common Names: Boxwood, Neea, Nia.
Origin: Native to Puerto Rico.
Appearance: It is a dense, tropical, evergreen with gray smooth bark and long, narrow leaves with a rounded apex. Leaves grow on short stems. Deep red shoots make this tree very attractive during growth season.
Flowering: In late spring and early summer, it produces small bright pink flowers that are followed by little red fruits.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Light Requirements: It prefers full sun, however during hot summer months it needs some protection. Full sun to partial shade.
Water Requirements: Needs regular watering. Do not overwater. Likes moist but well-drained soil.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 10 – 11. Needs to be protected from temperatures below 40F.
Insects and Diseases: Usually trouble-free plants that can occupationally have some problems with mealy bugs, aphids, and scale.
Propagation: By cuttings, air-layering, and seeds.