The Chinese Fringe Flower Bonsai Tree, scientific name Loropetalum chinensis, is native to Japan and southeastern Asia including southern China.
It produces beautiful showy bright pink flowers. Easy to grow, cold hardy tree that can be grown indoors or outdoors.
Additional Information
Family: Hamamelidaceae
Scientific name: Loropetalum chinensis
Common Names: Chinese Fringe Flower, Loropetalum, Chinese Witch Hazel.
Origin: Native to Japan and southeastern Asia including southern China.
Appearance: This is an evergreen shrub with small burgundy-colored leaves that turn green as they mature.
Flowering: In spring, it produces pink fragrant flowers that grow in clusters. Each flower has four ribbon-like, narrow petals.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both.
Light Requirements: Prefers partial shade.
Water Requirements: Needs moist but well-drained soil. Never allow for the soil to dry out completely. Use peat moss to maintain moisture levels.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 7-10. Can tolerate cold down to 5F when mature enough and grown in cold climates.
Insects and Diseases: This plant has no major insect or disease problems, however, aphids may infest new growth.
Propagation: By seed, semi-ripe cutting, simple layering.
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